Thank you for Signing Onto Letter Opposing Family Separation at the Border

posted in: Government | 1

Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 3:55 PM

Subject: Thank you for Signing Onto Letter Opposing Family Separation at the Border


Whether you joined in January or within the last few weeks, thank you for signing on to this letter, which calls upon Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to end the harmful and inhumane practice of separating immigrant children from their parents. More than 540 organizations with specific expertise in child welfare, juvenile justice, and child health and development from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico joined the letter. Just this morning, Senator Wyden and Senator Murray, joined by 38 other Senators, called on the President to end this “cruel” policy and cited specifically to your letter as evidence of the groundswell of opposition to this practice.

Thank you for this incredible show of support for vulnerable children and families. We encourage you to share the letter (attached and available at and link to it with the hashtag #KeepFamiliesTogether.


Jennifer Nagda

Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights


  1. Kay diller

    Stop the horrid and evil treatment of immigrant families. Return children to their parents and stop any separation. These are people who need our help. Not the destruction of those helpless children and parents.

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