Calling All Caregivers and Parents!

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THREE OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE YOUR VOICE! New York University, Silver School of Social Work and New York Foundling research project is calling all caregivers!  Are you interested in providing feedback about your experience with the child welfare system as a … Continued

Earn $20 to Participate!

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While parents and caregivers raising children with mental health, emotional and behavioral challenges continue to struggle with the question of whether or not to treat their children with psychotropic medication, NJPC is committed to providing them with appropriate education and … Continued

2021’s Best & Worst States to Raise a Family

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Raising a healthy, stable family sometimes requires moving to a new state. And the reasons for moving are often similar: career transitions, better schools, financial challenges or a general desire to change settings. Wants and needs don’t always align in … Continued

Cybersafety Guide

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At the Tyler Clementi Foundation, we believe that classrooms, families and workplaces should encourage online safety through kindness and respect. Even if you’ve never experienced the harmful effects of cyberbullying, you can still proactively set guidelines and start the conversation about online safety within your community. If you haven’t … Continued

Our Work with Children Young Adults and Families-2017

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The NJ Department of Children & Families released most recent yearly report outlining its work for children, young adults, and families is now available HERE The report examines the quality of service provision at points throughout the department’s service delivery … Continued

View From Both Sides

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As an African American kid growing up in a high crime area like Newark, New Jersey, your chances of a positive life are slim to none each day you live there. I know, because I lived there. It was much … Continued

4 Tips for Helping a Child with ADHD

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Contributed by: Patricia Sarmiento Although, as notes, one out of 10 children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with ADHD, it’s a condition that is still widely misunderstood by parents, teachers, and even some medical professionals. Commonly, symptoms and behaviors … Continued

Crime Bill

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From the desk of Jose Rosario— Our position on the topic of juvenile justice would be that the Crime Bill has been a net loss. The Crime Bill was an overreaction to the high crime rates of the 80s and … Continued

New Jersey 2013-2014 Budget

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Chris Christie signed the fiscal year 2014 budget into law on June 28, 2013. Below are some provisions that will impact people with disabilities. Special education is funded at $926.035,000.00. The Division of Developmental Disabilities receives $6,115,00.00 in state funding … Continued

Special Education School Placement

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Governor Christie recently signed a bill requiring the State Board of Education to promulgate regulations requiring school districts to take into account matters of continuity and consistency in determining special education placements during the IEP process. Primarily addressing the needs … Continued

Special Education Task Force

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A special education task force bill, establishing a task force to study and make recommendations about special education services in New Jersey, passed both the New Jersey State Assembly and the Senate and is awaiting the governor’s signature. The task … Continued

Mental Health Parity Bill

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The bill S1253 would require the State Health Benefits Plan and the School Employees Health Benefits Plan to cover alcohol and substance abuse services under the same terms and conditions as other illnesses. If the plan does not cover alcohol … Continued

AACAP Call to Action for Children’s Mental Health

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Despite increased public attention, Congressional focus on the prevention, early identification, and treatment of childhood mental illness has stalled. During AACAP’s Annual Meeting (October 22-26), join your colleagues in urging Congress not to lose sight of the needs of children … Continued

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