Join Stop It Now! on December 5 in New Britain, CT for a live full-day Circles of Safety training opportunity, with an optional second day of a Train the Trainer session to support programs and institutions addressing children and youth’s sexual safety. Circles of Safety is primary sexual abuse prevention training introduces key sexual abuse prevention concepts and skills. It prepares staff and professional caregivers to confidently and knowledgably speak up and take actions to address children’s sexual safety – before they are sexually harmed or harm others. Through lecture, reflection exercises and group activities, participants will learn how to support children’s healthy and safe sexual development; identify and respond to warning signs in children and adult’s behaviors; and design safety plans to address safe boundaries, privacy, consent and respect. The optional Train the Trainer program offers community and youth-serving organizations the training and tools they need to train their own staff and professional caregivers. CEUs available. For more detailed information and to register, visit
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