Empowering the Parent & Family Team
NJPC is offering a FREE five-week Professional Parent Advocacy Training program for parents, grandparents, foster parents, adoptive parents, and other caregivers raising children with emotional and behavioral challenges who are involved in the mental health, juvenile justice and/or child welfare system. Parents and caregivers attending the training are given the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge of the systems that serve their families, their rights and responsibilities within those systems, and the advocacy, professional, and collaborative skills needed to successfully negotiate those systems. Parents and family members will become better able to advocate for themselves and their communities, resulting in increased access to appropriate care and treatment for all children. The Professional Parent Advocacy Training is approved for foster, adoptive and kinship training credit through NJDCF. Lunch will be served and early registration is recommended.
Register online by filling out the form below and clicking on the REGISTER button. For additional information, call Pamela at 908-994-7471, 888-548-6572 (NJPC)
Location: Marriott Residence Inn, 3 Gatehall Dive, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Time: 10AM to 3PM
- Pamela Benjamin, Parent, NJPC Board Member, Director of Operations;
- Karen Helmstetter, MA, Certified Teacher, Parent, PPAT Graduate;
- Jose Andres Rosario, NJPC Youth Legislative Advocate, NJPC Youth Caucus Member;
- Kathy Wright, MS, Parent, NJPC Executive Director, 2014 NJJN Fellow.
- Karen Helmstetter, MA, Certified Teacher, Parent, PPAT Graduate;
- Jose Andres Rosario, NJPC Youth Legislative Advocate, NJPC Youth Caucus Member;
- Kathy Wright, MS, Parent, NJPC Executive Director, 2014 NJJN Fellow.
April 18, 2020
- Introduction to Professional Parent Advocacy
- Empowering the Parent Voice: Motivation & Assertiveness
- Conflict Resolution Skills & The Power of Persuasion
- Empowering vs. Enabling
- Professionalism & Communication Skills
April 25, 2020
- Navigating the Special Education System & the IEP Process
May 2, 2020
- Understanding Childhood Mental Health Challenges & the DSM V
May 9, 2020
- Navigating the Juvenile Justice System in NJ
- Understanding the Child Welfare System: NJ DCP&P
- Ensuring Cultural Competency & Diversity in the Child-Serving Community
- Collaborating with Agencies Dedicated to Children & Families
May 16, 2020
- Introduction to Collaborating with Policymakers in NJ
- Train the Trainer – Empowering the Parent Trainer
- Graduation
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to use their newly trained skills to deliver Parent Advocacy Workshops in their local community with the support of NJPC and other certified parents throughout the state.
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