The New Jersey Parents Caucus utilized funding from the NJJN COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund to support the New Jersey Youth Caucus Series FY’2020 -2021. The New Jersey Youth Caucus is a statewide coalition of youth and young adults who have been impacted by the juvenile justice and/or mental health systems in New Jersey. Youth caucus members that are currently incarcerated participate in meetings via email, telephone and the quarterly newsletter. Through the series, NJ Youth Caucus Members developed and delivered a series of meetings and ZOOM events to raise awareness about the impact of COVID-19 on their lives as justice involved youth and its impact on incarceration, mental health, parenting, juvenile justice and racial justice. The events also provided an opportunity for NJ Youth Caucus Members to continue to educate interested stakeholders on the importance and inclusion of the voice of those most impacted. Four videos were produced and NJ Youth Caucus Members that participated were provided a $100 gift card for their participation in the series, as well as their hourly rate of $20 per hour.
Read the complete Rapid Response: May Spotlight on NJJN COVID-19 Mini Grant Fund report.
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