Board of Education of the Township of Sparta v. M.N. Court Opinion
A court opinion has been released regarding the Board of Education of the Township of Sparta v. M.N.. Read the court opinion here.
A court opinion has been released regarding the Board of Education of the Township of Sparta v. M.N.. Read the court opinion here.
CAPE-Youth, the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth, is hosting two webinars in April:
Spanish-speaking families and the professionals who support them can now find a wide range of special education resources in Spanish on The Arc@School website. The new resources are easy to download and provide a general overview of special education, in addition to … Continued
Please take a look at this report that was released by the National Education Policy Center today: The Subversion of IDEA and Federal Policies Designed to Reduce Racial Disparities in Special Education
The U.S. Department of Education is hosting a webinar series to support educational settings in safely sustaining or returning to in-person instruction. The series features lessons learned and best practices from teachers, faculty, staff, schools, districts, institutions of higher education, … Continued
Evaluating school funding fairness and effectiveness in New Jersey under the School Funding Reform Act (SFRA). Read the report:
School Discipline is Racially Biased and Increases Misbehavior: School discipline that punishes minor misbehavior may increase adolescents’ misconduct and lead to racial inequalities in school discipline.
On his final days in office, NJ Governor Chris Christie signed into law a measure that establishes requirements for use of restraint and seclusion on students with disabilities in special education. The bipartisan bill, which was passed unanimously in both … Continued
FROM: The TA Network ,The Institute for Innovation and Implementation ,School of Social Work,University of Maryland, Baltimore The recording of the Rural Mental Health Learning Community’s webinar Building Effective Partnerships with Schools is now available. Please access it using the … Continued
On November 5, 2018, from 4 to 5 p.m. ET, the Positive Youth Outcomes Committee of the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators will host a webinar titled “Providing Special Needs Education Services.” Presenters will address how to effectively respond to the educational needs of … Continued